Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's up with me...

Miss me? Yeah, probably not ;) Unless Digifree or IkeaGoddess are sending people my way I'm sure this blog is pretty well stagnant. Anyway, the "break" has been good for me. I'll be back to designing in no time.

In digiscrap news, I found a copy of ArtRage 2 at Target for only $20! Woot, time to make me some GLITTER!! It's so fun to play with. I can't wait to make some elements with it. My upcoming kit will be very sparkly. ;) But that's okay, it goes with the theme.

Yes, I'm working on a kit. No, I'm not sure how it's going to turn out yet. :/ I had a request/suggestion from a friend that I thought would be fun, but I'm having a hard time getting specific inspiration for the elements. Perhaps it will be easier once I break out the overlays and make some papers.

Anyway, that's what's new with Kimi here. :) Hope to have at least an alpha or something fun for you this week.